Scouting & Guiding

A New Appointment, A New Beginning

On Saturday I was appointed as Assistant District Commissioner (Scouts) in Spitfire District. This is exciting in a number of ways, absolutely terrifying in others, and makes me a little bit sad.

I’ve now got the ability to organise any event I want to for the Scouts in the District, I can in theory let my imagination run wild. I’ve already started working up a number of ideas and fired up a good old fashioned mind map.

I’m now looking after and supporting 18 Scout Troops around the district, each with there own way of doing things, and different political issues to consider. Out of all that I have to build a united team of leaders to provide quality exciting programme to the Scouts in the District.

Finally, in order to make any of this happen I have to step down from my Scout Troop.

Onwards …