Adventure & Outdoors

Dear Motorists

As a self confessed cyclist I subscribe to a number of twitter users in the cycling community and occasionally a story of tragedy comes up.  A cyclist or a group hit by another vehicle while exercising their legal right to freedom of movement. was brought to my attention, and it’s not so much the […]

Adventure & Outdoors

Bikes it’s a love hate thing

I’ve not had much luck recently, first my beloved Bromptons rear wheel split this is after replacing the whole wheel in December.  Then while putting my mountain bike back together discovered that the freewheel had jammed up over the winter, it’s now a geared fixed.  I can actually pedal backwards though I am pretty sure that won’t […]

Adventure & Outdoors

Eighties Steel Touring Frame

I’m in Edinburgh for the last weekend of the fringe festival and I was kinda hoping I might come across a steel touring frame for a bargain price while I was up here.  I’ve had a bit of a mooch about and visited a car boot sale on the bottom floor of an underground multi-story car park, […]

Adventure & Outdoors

Running Red Lights for Fun and Profit

I’m one of those unusual cyclists, at least I hope I’m not but I have a feeling I am. I’m the sort of chap that has working lights, rides on the road and … wait for it … Stops at Red Lights. Now while I feel that following the rules of traffic are important especially […]

Adventure & Outdoors

I Really Love Cycling

So I’m probably never going to compete in the tour or be able to keep up with some of the really skinny riders I see around the place. But I just love to be out on the bike. No matter how much it seems to hurt or how cold I get or occasionally how wet […]