Lifeblog Technology

Homebrew iPod Dock

When I picked up my iPod classic the friday before gangshow the first thing I thought after unboxing it and loading it with tunage is what a fab dock the box would make. Today this widget arrived from sparkfun which means I can access every pin in the dock connector.


My kitchen kicks ass

Mostly because that’s where the gin lives! After a meeting tonight I’m feeling just a bit disheartend and the 2nd G&T pictured is just about taking the edge off.


John Bright Street

Always seems to be under development, not sure if its trendy anymore.


The single life

A lot of people tell me that they envy the fact that I’m single and how nice it must be to be able to do whatever I like when I want. I think that’s great when you have lots of single friends but I’m reaching the age where they are getting into relationships or not […]


Quite probably making a loss

I’m one of 4 people on the train, quite how the service even covers costs is beyond me.