Jamboree 2007

20 Past 12 And All Done …

… All Bar The Screaming. So the Mule was the first to be completed and zipped up, followed by the almost completion of the Cargo which is just waiting for my toothbrush and shaving gel. Here is the plan for getting to the Jamboree as it stands as of now in the middle of the […]

Jamboree 2007

It’s Raining, It’s Pouring, And I’m Still Packing

The weather if anyone didn’t notice has taken a slight downturn this evening with some awesomely heavy rain and the loudest thunder I have heard in a long time. The lightning lit up the kitchen fairly bright just through the gaps in the blinds. On this basis all the extreme weather gear I had struck […]

Jamboree 2007

5 Days and Counting

Not a lot happening today, watching some telly and chilling out.  Tomorrow I’m going to finish my packing ready for Friday.  I have pretty much finished getting hold of everything on my kit list now I just have to finish making it fit into my cargo bag. Still no idea what I’m doing when I […]

Jamboree 2007

6 Day Todo List

It’s now six days out from arrival and I’m running through the list of things I still need to do Finish packing Print contact details cards Pick up some clear stickyback plastic. Get troop photo taken and printed. Grab a beer with friends and chill out before the hard work starts. Visit my parents and […]

Jamboree 2007

Managing a Kit List (The Geeky Way)

So normally I would get up the morning before camp and pack my gear on the fly, no kit list. Just grab a bag and stuff a few changes of clothes into it. In fact some of the gear would probably be in a pile from the last camp. However the Jamboree requires a more […]