Jamboree 2007

Yet More Packing

It’s at this point I’m starting to wonder if everything I need will fit into the cargo bag. Even after brutally cutting down my list trying to pack the gear required to live in a tent whilst working long 10 hour days. One last thing the raft race was cancelled so we spent the better […]

Jamboree 2007

Packing, Packing and Some More Packing

As I intend to start heading towards the jamboree site on Friday all I have done today is pack, and excluding the time at the raft race it is all I intend to do tomorrow.

Jamboree 2007

And so the post deluge begins

According to my calculations there are now just over 10 days to go till I have to report at the the North Weald check in desk with enough gear to survive three weeks of tented accomodation … and I havn’t even started packing!  I have a kit list which will be posted here in due […]


Oops downtime malarky

Sometime early yesterday morning my website and email accounts vanished from the Internet. The cause turned out to be scrambled DNS settings caused by moving the domain registar from my prevous and now non-exisitant one to the very cheap and good 123reg. Thankfully the problem only effected my personal site, none of the other […]

Jamboree 2007

Less than a month to go

32,000 Young People and Leaders, 8000 International Service Team, up to 12,000 day visitors, 29 days till the bulk of the IST start arriving. And I have no idea what I am going to be doing. The latest site map was release onto the UK Contingent website and the place is huge, when they said […]