Jamboree 2007

D Weekend :: Sunday

It was raining when I got up, it was raining when I took down my tent. Generally it rained alot. Free breakfast this morning provided by the ever cheery catering vans and then head off to the briefing. Which is the whole reason for being here. The briefing itself answered a whole load of questions […]

Jamboree 2007

D Weekend :: Saturday

So there I am lying in my tent trying my best to sleep with a hangover that would kill a small rhino, and Fitz is outside up to something.  Looking at my phone I can see it’s 8.00, far too early but I appear to be hungry, thirsty, and at the same time desperate for […]

Jamboree 2007

D Weekend :: Friday Night

The idea of Jamboree D weekend is simple, we go to Gilwell in Essex to collect the items of gear we have ordered from the UK Contingent and recieve a briefing on whats happening, what we need to bring, etc.   So after work on Friday myself and Fitz picked up Pete and Laura and headed […]

Adventure & Outdoors

Summer Cyclists

With the daylight hours getting longer and the weather better with them, more and more cyclists seem to be joining me on my morning commute. So many to the extent that I was stuck in a traffic jam on the towpath last week.  I congratulate them on their effort and yes it is really great […]

Jamboree 2007

The 21st World Scout Jamboree

In 100 days 32,000 scouts and guide from 216 countries will descend upon Hylands Park in Chelmsford, Essex for the 21st World Scout Jamboree.   So as i’m to old to be a participant I have enlisted as a member of the International Sevice Team, an 8000 (hopefully) strong international team of leaders, fellowship and network […]