Scouting & Guiding

Welcome To The UK International Service Team And UK Contingent

This is the first post in my Scouting 2007 section, and it’s a good start. Yesterday my letter of acceptence from the UK contingent manager arrived in the post making me an official member of the 21st World Scout Jamboree next year. Ok so potientially i’ll be empting toilets but at leased I’ll be there […]


News from beyond the abyss

Ok so it’s been ages and I mean ages since I last updated the site but hey, i’m only human. It’s not like i’m some internet celebrity or anything so stop your whining. Flickr In the last post back in August I talked about how I had just enabled the flickr gallery plugin and my […]


More site updates

In the last hour I have enabled the link between my currently empty flickr account and the site. Currently the photolog is still active and will still remain so. The random picture comes from there. I’mjust using flickr instead of hosting my own photo gallery, now I should be able to upload from iPhoto directly […]


No posts and site tweaking

Remember that promise to provide a big update that never happened.  Well I have my reasons, after the Sun Run life just got even more busier than usual so the site hopped onto the backburner.  I have over the last few days been tweaking the site to improve the navigation a touch, photolog posts now […]


Big Update Coming Next Week

Ok so there hasn’t been a lot here for the last month but ive been really busy.  Big update coming next week, promise. (if anyone actually reads this anyway!) Right now I’m off to the Sun Run, catch you all on the flip side.